Kumkum Bhagya was running for more than 6 decades now. The series starring Sriti Jha and Shabhir Ahluwalia is arguably perhaps probably one among the most watched shows now also celebrities Krishna Kaul, Mugda Chapekar and Pooja Banerjee at the lead character as the brand newest creation. The loyal fans of this series are awaiting for the potential reunion of these favored bunch Abhi and Pragya for quite a while today but their wait isn't over and does not appear to be it's going to be over any time in the future.
Meanwhile, the Prachi has realised that she's got begun falling for Ranbir while she had been at the prison. She awakens the degree to which Ranbir has really gone to establish her innocent and oblivious to enjoying him. But she's not told Ranbir this. Meanwhile, Rhea was plotting to different them since she's frustrated with her plan back firing.
Pooja Banerjee lately substituted Naina Singh since Rhea following the tiniest stop. Additionally, Sriti and Shabbir are relatively more than my age category, therefore playing with the role wont be a issue. I am going to soon be essaying negative characters in either shows and so they are going to provide me plenty of scope to carry out."